
Main Interface


Constructs a queryable object using iterable as the base data.

Parameters:iterable (Iterable) – iterable object to make queryable.
Returns:a queryable object with the specified iterable as the underlying data
Return type:Queryable object
Raises:TypeError – if iterable is not an Iterable


>>> import pinq
>>> queryable = pinq.as_queryable(range(100))

Queryable’s and Their Methods

class pinq.queryable.Queryable(iterator)

Bases: object

A wrapper for iterable objects to allow querying of the underlying data.

aggregate(accumulator, seed=None, result_transform=<function identity>)

Applies an accumulator function over a sequence.

  • accumulator (function) – The accumulator function to apply.
  • seed – (optional) The initial accumulator value.
  • result_transform (function) – (optional) A transform function to apply to the result.

The accumulated value.

  • TypeError – if ‘accumulator’ is not callable
  • TypeError – if ‘result_transform’ is not callable

Determines whether all elements of the sequence satisfy a condition.

Parameters:predicate (function) – A function to test each element for a condition.
Returns:True if every element satisfies the condition, or the sequence is empty.
Return type:bool
Raises:TypeError – if ‘predicate’ is not callable
any(predicate=<function true>)

Determines whether any element of the sequence satisfies a condition.

Parameters:predicate (function) – (optional) A function to test each element for a condition.
Returns:True if any element satisfies the condition.
Return type:bool
Raises:TypeError – if ‘predicate’ is not callable
average(transform=<function identity>)

Computes the average of the elements in the sequence.

Parameters:transform (function:) – (optional) A transform function to invoke on each element of the sequence.
Returns:The average value of the elements in the sequence.
Return type:float
Raises:TypeError – if ‘transform’ is not callable

Casts the elements of the sequence to the specified type.

Parameters:to_type (type) – The type to cast elements to.
Returns:The elements of the sequence cast to the specified type.
Return type:Queryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘to_type’ is not callable

Concatenates two sequences.

Parameters:other (Iterable) – The sequence to concatenate to this sequence.
Returns:A Queryable containing the concatenated elements of the two input sequences.
Return type:Queryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘other’ is not Iterable
contains(value, equality_comparer=<built-in function eq>)

Determines whether the sequence contains the specified value.

  • value – The value to find in the sequence.
  • equality_comparer (function) – (optional) An equality comparer to compare values.

True if the sequence contains the specified value.

Return type:



TypeError – if ‘equality_comparer’ is not callable

count(predicate=<function true>)

Returns the number of elements in the sequence.

Parameters:predicate (function) – (optional) A function to test each element for a condition:
Returns:The number of elements that satisfy the specified condition.
Return type:int
Raises:TypeError – if ‘predicate’ is not callable

Returns the sequence or a sequence with a single default value if the sequence is empty.

Parameters:default_value – (optional) The default value to return.

:return:This sequence, or a sequence containing ‘default_value’ if it is empty. :rtype: Queryable

difference(other, key_selector=<function identity>)

Returns the set difference of the two sequences.

  • other (Iterable) – An iterable of elements to be removed from this sequence.
  • key_selector (function) – (optional) An function to select a key for comparing values.

The set difference of this sequence and the provided sequence.

Return type:


  • TypeError – if ‘other’ is not an Interable
  • TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable
distinct(key_selector=<function identity>)

Returns distinct elements fromt the sequence.

Parameters:key_selector (function) – (optional) An function to select a key for comparing values.
Returns:A sequence of distinct elements from this sequence.
Return type:Queryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable

Returns the element at the specified location in the sequence.


index (int) – The zero-based index of the element to retrieve.


The element at the specified location in the sequence.

  • TypeError – if ‘index’ is not an int
  • IndexError – if ‘index’ is less than zero or larger than the number of elements
element_at_or_default(index, default_value=None)

Returns the element at the specified index or a default value if it is out of range.

  • index (int) – The zero-based index of the element to retrieve.
  • default_value – (optional) The default value if the index is out of range.

The element at the specified location in the sequence.


TypeError – if ‘index’ is not an int

except_values(other, key_selector=<function identity>)

Returns the set difference of the two sequences.

  • other (Iterable) – An iterable of elements to be removed from this sequence.
  • key_selector (function) – (optional) An function to select a key for comparing values.

The set difference of this sequence and the provided sequence.

Return type:


  • TypeError – if ‘other’ is not an Interable
  • TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable
first(predicate=<function true>)

Returns the first element in the sequence.


predicate (function) – (optional) A function to test each element for a condition.


The first element of the sequence satisfying the condition.

  • TypeError – if ‘predicate’ is not callable
  • ValueError – if the sequence is empty
  • ValueError – if no element satisfies the condition
first_or_default(predicate=<function true>, default_value=None)

Returns the first element in the sequence or a default value if empty.

  • predicate (function) – (optional) A function to test each element for a condition.
  • default_value – (optional) The default value to return if empty.

The first element of the sequence satisfying the condition.


TypeError – if ‘predicate’ is not callable

group_by(key_selector, value_transform=<function identity>, result_transform=<function identity>)

Groups the elements of the sequence according to the specified key selector function.

  • key_selector (function) – A function to extract the key for each element.
  • value_transform (function) – A transform function to be applied to each element.
  • result_transform (function) – A transform function to be applied to each group.

A sequence where each element represents the transformation of a group and its key.

Return type:


  • TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable
  • TypeError – if ‘value_transform’ is not callable
  • TypeError – if ‘result_transform’ is not callable
group_join(other, key_selector, other_key_selector, result_transform)

Correlates the elements of the two sequences and groups the results.

  • other (Iterable) – The sequence to join this sequence.
  • key_selector (function) – A function to extract a key from each element of this sequence.
  • other_key_selector (function) – A function to extract a key from each element of ‘other’.
  • result_transform (function) – A function to create a result from an item and its matching group.

The elements of the two sequences after performing a grouped join.

Return type:


  • TypeError – if ‘other’ is not an Iterable
  • TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable
  • TypeError – if ‘other_key_selector’ is not callable
  • TypeError – if ‘result_transform’ is not callable
intersect(other, key_selector=<function identity>)

Returns the set intersection of the two sequences.

  • other (Iterable) – A sequence to compute the intersection with.
  • key_selector (function) – (optional) A function to extract a key for each element for comparison.

A sequence of distinct elements that are in both of the provided seequences.

Return type:


  • TypeError – if ‘other’ is not an Iterable
  • TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable
join(other, key_selector, other_key_selector, result_transform)

Correlates the elements of the two sequences.

  • other (Iterable) – The sequence to join this sequence.
  • key_selector (function) – A function to extract a key from each element of this sequence.
  • other_key_selector (function) – A function to extract a key from each element of ‘other’.
  • result_transform (function) – A function to create a result from an item and its match.

The elements of the two sequences after performing an inner join.

Return type:


  • TypeError – if ‘other’ is not an Iterable
  • TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable
  • TypeError – if ‘other_key_selector’ is not callable
  • TypeError – if ‘result_transform’ is not callable
last(predicate=<function true>)

Returns the last item of the sequence.


predicate (function) – (optional) A function to test each element for a condition.


The last item in the sequence that satisfies the condition.

  • TypeError – if ‘predicate’ is not callable
  • ValueError – if the source iterable is empty
  • ValueError – if no element satisfies condition
last_or_default(predicate=<function true>, default_value=None)

Returns the last item of the sequence.

  • predicate (function) – (optional) A function to test each element for a condition.
  • default_value – (optional) The default value to return if empty.

The last item in the sequence that satisfies the condition.

  • TypeError – if ‘predicate’ is not callable
  • ValueError – if the source iterable is empty
  • ValueError – if no element satisfies condition
long_count(predicate=<function true>)

Returns the number of elements in the sequence.

Parameters:predicate (function) – (optional) A function to test each element for a condition:
Returns:The number of elements that satisfy the specified condition.
Return type:int
Raises:TypeError – if ‘predicate’ is not callable
max(transform=<function identity>)

Returns the maximum element in the sequence.

Parameters:transform (function) – (optional) A transformation function to apply to each element.
Returns:The maximum element in the sequence.
Return type:int
Raises:TypeError – if ‘transform’ is not callable
min(transform=<function identity>)

Returns the minimum element in the sequence.

Parameters:transform (function) – (optional) A transformation function to apply to each element.
Returns:The minimum element in the sequence.
Return type:int
Raises:TypeError – if ‘transform’ is not callable

Filters the elements based on the specified type.

Parameters:of_type (type) – The type to keep.
Returns:The elements of the sequence with the specified type.
Return type:Queryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘of_type’ is not a type

Sorts the elements of the sequence in ascending order according to a key.

Parameters:key_selector (function) – A function to extract a key from an element.
Returns:The elements of the sequence sorted in ascending order.
Return type:OrderedQueryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable

Sorts the elements of the sequence in descending order according to a key.

Parameters:key_selector (function) – A function to extract a key from an element.
Returns:The elements of the sequence sorted in descending order.
Return type:OrderedQueryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable

Reverses the order of the elements in the sequence.

Returns:The elements of the sequence in reverse order.
Return type:Queryable

Returns the elements of the sequence after applying a transform function to each element.

Parameters:selector (function) – A transform function to apply to each element.
Returns:The elements of the sequence after applying the transform function.
Return type:Queryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘selector’ is not callable
select_many(selector, result_transform=<function select_i.<locals>.<lambda>>)

Projects each element to a sequence and flattens the resulting sequences.

  • selector (function) – A function to transform each element into a sequence.
  • result_transform (function) – (optional) A transform function for items of the selected sequence.

A flattened sequence of transformed elements.

Return type:


  • TypeError – if ‘selector’ is not callable
  • TypeError – if ‘result_transform’ is not callable
sequence_equal(other, equality_comparer=<built-in function eq>)

Determines whether two sequences are equal.

  • other (Iterable) – The sequence to compare elements to.
  • equality_comparer (function) – (optional) The equality comparison function to use.

True if the sequences are equal, false otherwise.

Return type:


  • TypeError – if ‘other’ is not an Iterable
  • TypeError – if ‘equality_comparer’ is not callable
single(predicate=<function true>)

Returns the only element of the sequence.


predicate (function) – (optional) A function to test an element for a condition.


The single element of the sequence satisfying the condition.

  • TypeError – if ‘predicate’ is not callable
  • ValueError – if the sequence is empty
  • ValueError – if no element satisfies the condition
  • ValueError – if more than one element satisfies the condition
single_or_default(predicate=<function true>, default_value=None)

Returns the only element of the sequence.

  • predicate (function) – (optional) A function to test an element for a condition.
  • default_value – (optional) The default value to return if empty.

The single element of the sequence satisfying the condition.

  • TypeError – if ‘predicate’ is not callable
  • ValueError – if more than one element satisfies the condition

Skips a specified number of elements in the sequence and returns the remaining elements.

Parameters:num (int) – The number of elements to skip.
Returns:A sequence containing the elements after position ‘num’.
Return type:Queryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘num’ is not an int

Skip elements of the sequence while the specified condition is true.

Parameters:predicate (function) – The condition to check for.
Returns:Elements of the sequence after the first item to fail the specified condition.
Return type:Queryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘condition’ is not callable
sum(transform=<function identity>)

Computes the sum of the sequence by invoking a transform on each element.

Parameters:transform (function) – (optional) A transform function to apply to each element.
Returns:The sum of the elements of the sequence.
Return type:int
Raises:TypeError – if ‘transform’ is not callable

Takes the specified number of elements from the start of the sequence.

Parameters:num (int) – The number of elements to take.
Returns:The specified number of elements from the start of the sequence.
Return type:Queryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘num’ is not an int

Takes elements from the start of the sequence while the specified condition holds.

Parameters:predicate (function) – The condition to check for.
Returns:The elements from the start of the sequence that satisfy the condition.
Return type:Queryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘predicate’ is not callable
to_dict(key_selector, value_selector=<function identity>)

Creates a dictionary object according to the specified key selector function.

  • key_selector (function) – A function to extract the key for the dictionary entry.
  • value_selector (function) – (optional) A function to extract the value for the dictionary entry.

A dictionary of the elements in the sequence.

Return type:


  • TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable
  • TypeError – if ‘value_selector’ is not callable
to_dictionary(key_selector, value_selector=<function identity>)

Creates a dictionary object according to the specified key selector function.

  • key_selector (function) – A function to extract the key for the dictionary entry.
  • value_selector (function) – (optional) A function to extract the value for the dictionary entry.

A dictionary of the elements in the sequence.

Return type:


  • TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable
  • TypeError – if ‘value_selector’ is not callable

Creates a list object from the sequence.

Returns:A list of the elements in the sequence.
Return type:list
union(other, key_selector=<function identity>)

Returns the set union of two sequences.

  • other (Iterable) – The second sequence to produce the union with.
  • key_selector (function) – (optional) A function to extract a key for comparison.

The set union of the two sequences.

Return type:


  • TypeError – if ‘other’ is not an Iterable
  • TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable

Filters the sequence of values based on the specified condition.

Parameters:predicate – A function to check an element for a condition.
Returns:The elements of the sequence that satisfy the condition.
Return type:Queryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘predicate’ is not callable
zip(other, result_transform)

Applies a function to the corresponding elements of the two sequences.

  • other (Iterable) – The other input sequence.
  • result_transform (function) – A function that combines the corresponding elements.

A sequence of elements of the two sequences combined using ‘result_transform’.

Return type:


  • TypeError – if ‘other’ is not an Iterable
  • TypeError – if ‘result_transform’ is not callable
class pinq.queryable.OrderedQueryable(iterator, keys)

Bases: pinq.queryable.Queryable

A wrapper for ordered sequences.


Performs a subsequenct ordering on the elements of an ordered sequence.

Parameters:key (function) – A function to extract a key to use for comparisons.
Returns:The elements of the sequence in ascending order according to the key
Return type:Queryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable

Performs a subsequenct ordering on the elements of an ordered sequence.

Parameters:key (function) – A function to extract a key to use for comparisons.
Returns:The elements of the sequence in descending order according to the key
Return type:Queryable
Raises:TypeError – if ‘key_selector’ is not callable